Book Cover Design

Freewriting with Freewrite…

This month, I discovered the art of distraction-free writing with the use of the Smart Typewriter from Freewrite.

First of all, I adore the lemon yellow smart typewriter and when I sit in my bed with it on my lap, letting my thoughts flow, I feel like a little girl again dreaming and listening to what my heart and my mind are saying to me and I just… write.

This is much different from how I’ve written in the past, especially with my novels. Usually, before I start a book I give myself a month or more of plotting, character development and outlining before I even begin. Writing on my smart typewriter is like writing in a journal in the dark, under the cover with nothing but a flashlight and a big smile on my face.

What shall I write? What kinds of things will come up? What will come out of me? I have NO IDEA. I think this is what makes it so fun and such a wildly successful device and how many authors have doubled or even tripled their word counts. It’s distraction-free in the sense that it is very difficult , but not entirely impossible, to go back and check and edit your work. It’s kind of like writing on an old Atari, but the screen is much like a Kindle paperwhite. It’s strange and exciting and terrifying at the same time.

This is the first thing I typed out when I unpackaged it and turned it on…

As you can see, lots of typos and mistakes but I just pounded on the very audible and tactile keyboard and didn’t read what I was writing.

Next, I decided to free-write whatever came into my heart. This was what came up. I think I was speaking to myself more than anything else….

It’s not pretty, but then again most fast-drafting, or freewriting, hardly is. The nice thing about the smart typewriter from Freewrite is that you can just hit the send button and it sends it to the cloud, a free service they provide called Postbox. Once you send it there, you can edit it in your favorite word processing software like word, or post to social media.

In my case, I decided to create an Instagram post, using art and templates from Canva. This was one of the poems/messages/freewrites (not sure what to call them!) that I wrote next and posted to Instagram.

I will definitely be using this to create more content, whether it’s poetry, fiction, or just fun ramblings…

Stay tuned!